Automated Punter

Automated Punter

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What  you’re about to witness is a truly unique automated selection service...

Right fellow bettors...

You need to know I'm not here to sugarcoat anything and I can only be honest.

This is the gods honest truth about betting... so be WARNED.

I’ve seen countless betting systems and selection services crumble  punters banks...

...quicker than you can say “where’s my refund…?!” Trust me... You’re NOT alone.

In fact… roughly 93% of punters never see a sustainable  return.

Does that make you feel better about your losses?

I didn’t think so... you want money from betting, and I’m here to give you just that.


...that   doesn't just provide favourites… or solely focus on long shots with ridiculous odds.

Instead this supplies a steady stream of HIGH VALUE winners across a range of odds.

Isn’t  it time you looked at alternatives… after all the 7% who actually generate some 
  kind of sustainable wealth from betting don’t rely solely on opinions.

Do you want to really want let someone tell you what they "think" is a winning formula,,,

or have an advanced 21st Century Software find the numbers and tell you what it
is a winning formula?

My guess is you don't want to rely on an opinion, you want to know what the FACTS are!

Underneath as an introduction of a system based on the cold hard FACTS...

Assisted by the guidance of a team of pro-punters to help finalise bets.

Whilst some selection services use the more common variables to predict races they often miss a whole myriad of other key elements and fail to find real VALUE selections.

That's why over 6 years and...