These days, it lets me apply a cold, calculating, and downright ruthless analysis to any company’s financials.
Allowing me to search through the giant small-cap trash heap to quickly find the buried treasure underneath…
But it took me years to finally get my head around the finer points of earnings statements, chart patterns, P/E ratios and the like…
But eventually, I came to see how they intertwine to tell the story of a stock.
In the same way that the double-helix of human DNA can tell a doctor the “hidden truth” of a patient’s underlying health.
When this all “clicked” for me, I started connecting bat on ball a whole lot more.

This personal breakthrough happened around the time I first encountered “Frank”…
A guy that anyone looking to flip their financial fortunes for the better really needs to know.
Frank and I were both members of the most popular “stock picking website” on the Internet.
So you knew who to trust, members collectively assigned each other a star grade based on the success of their picks.
And Frank, well, he was the unanimous MVP.
The quality of his stock selections earned him a perfect 5-star rating… the most of anyone.
And each time I’m asked… I openly admit it…

So… as I began to grasp the science of successful stock picking, I began to slowly eke my own way up the standings.
Until finally, one day, there we stood… on top of the mountain together…
And fast forward to just a few months ago… and we were still facing off week after week… vying for the unofficial title of “Top Penny Picker on the Planet.”
The only difference being… we’d graduated from picking stocks on public websites, to heading up dueling private subscriber services.

But now… that’s exactly what we’re doing.
So… why are we linking arms?
Well, you can trace our inspiration back to 1860… and to what’s widely regarded as the greatest Presidential “magic trick” of all time.
America was staring into the abyss of being ripped apart forever after years of bloody civil war.
But that’s when a newly-elected Abraham Lincoln made a pivotal decision no new President had dared make before.
Lincoln asked his fiercest political adversaries to serve in his cabinet and help unite a country at war with itself.
It's come to be known as Lincoln's "team of rivals."
You could easily call it America’s first ever “dream team,” where…

And Frank and I certainly go about our business in our own unique ways.
Me… I’m content to “crunch-the-numbers” at home and keep my privacy.
But not Frank. His people skills are his ace-in-the-hole.
Before making a pick, he insists on packing up his suitcase and paying them a visit.

He’s even been likened to an “impossible-to-impress” restaurant critic… using the element of surprise to his unique advantage.
Without giving anyone time to stage an elaborate “dog and pony show”… he shows up almost unannounced, with a list of questions as long as his arm.
The purpose being to dig beneath press releases and blurbs in brochures… and instead… take the true pulse of an operation from the shop floor up.
For instance… when self-confessed “power nerds” in Mercer County, New Jersey boasted they could create cheap, renewable electric power…
Frank knocked on their door determined to sort fact from fiction.
His verdict?
This brash startup had every reason to be confident. And if you were one of his subscribers, this pick alone could have scored you a fast 135.29% gain on your money.
But no description of Frank would be complete without a word about his well-trained eye for finding money in precious metals.
As gold and silver have rallied like never before… he’s rolled up his sleeves, donned a hard hat and visited mining sites in person…
Taking pains to separate “fools gold” from the real thing…

When I broached enemy lines to pitch Frank on joining forces, I expected a frosty reception… but he instantly saw the “big picture.”
Any kinks in either of our armors would instantly be hammered out by the other.
My 8-step “X-Ray Evaluation Formula” would provide a proven analytical framework to compliment Frank’s patented “boots on the ground” approach…
And vice-versa; Frank would add a priceless human component to ratchet up the power of my “stock market science.”

And effectively doubling our odds of finding every needle in every haystack.
Meaning “monster picks” are much less likely to fall between the cracks.
No opportunities are lost.
Every single bullet train that shakes the ground beneath our feet…
Our subscribers are on it.
Every new technology trend… every new commodity bubble…
Our subscribers know about it before their neighbors.
The beneficiaries of a surprise alliance that no-one in the stock picking world ever saw coming.
Now, naturally…
Profits always speak louder than words.
So let’s quickly back up all this “dream team” talk by showing you what I promised earlier…
A real timeline of real picks… that could theoretically…

Before we begin…
I want to be clear that the odds of you making anything close to this kind of “instant retirement” money from joining our private subscriber family are incredibly low.
You’d not only have to roll over all your profits from one trade to the next… you’d also have to buy each of these stocks at their lowest price and then cash-out at their very highest.
So… it’s fair to say… the chances of this perfect storm occurring for you are slim and in no way do I want you to think otherwise.
Of course, that’s not to say it’s impossible, and that it couldn’t happen to someone.
So, why walk you through this hypothetical scenario?
Well… since these trades are actual documented picks made by Frank and myself, in chronological order… it’s the most dramatic way I know to showcase the potency of our combined efforts.
So… let’s see what kind of ride this little $5 bill can take us on…
First, let’s use it to buy shares in IOGH… an upstart oil and gas company. They’ve figured out how to profitably convert their waste products into plastics and other supplies for the petrochemical industry.
Woefully undervalued… this stock sat at only 2 cents per share…
Of course… at that “give-away” price, the upside potential is enormous, and if the trade does go south, because you’re so close to zero… your downside risk is extremely limited.
But make no mistake, this stock took off like a rocket…
Storming to 25 cents as more and more investors saw the potential for profits.
The result? A 1,150% gain… and right out of the gate…
Your $5 is now $62.50!
But that’s about to multiply eight-fold…
Because let’s invest that $62.50 into shares of EXK…
A cash-rich Canadian silver miner, Frank spotted and rightly fell in love with, allowing you to play a silver rally for a monstrous gain of 689.2%..
Now your $62.50 is suddenly $484.70!
You started out with enough in your pocket to buy a “Venti” Starbucks coffee…
Then you had enough to take your wife out for a nice meal…
And now you’ve got cash on hand to snatch up a 32-inch Flat Screen.
And speaking of the boob-tube…
Let’s use that $484.70 to grab shares in HNHI… a company revolutionizing the way products are sold via TV infomercials.
A down economy has been a boom to the infomercial biz… lowering the cost of airtime and increasing viewership.
Projected industry revenues are even expected to reach $252.3 billion by 2015…
So it was no surprise to us when this tiny stock, snubbed by the banking giants on Wall Street, catapulted 1,580%!
Multiplying your $484.70 into $8,142.96!
For most people, that’s their mortgage or rent covered for six months or more.
But why stop wanting more… because we’re going to roll that into…
A direct-to-consumer marketing company who spiked a mere 3 cents, but still secured a MASSIVE 93% return!
Turning your $8,142.96 into $15,776.95!
That could book you a luxury cabin on an around-the-world cruise... but for our purposes today, let’s put that money into another real pick…
NPWZ… a forward-thinking tech company in Bothell, Washington… who designs and distributes “green” fuel cartridges that power notebook PCs and military radios.
Priced at .7 cents… my “X-Ray Evaluation Formula” told me it was a screaming bargain if there ever was one!
And you got to watch the price soar to 2.6 cents, securing a gain of 271.4%!
Turning your $15,776.95 into $58,600.10!
Enough to pay for any car on the lot… in cash.
But let’s not take our foot off the gas yet…
UFFC is a pioneering “healthy fast food” franchise operation headed by a former “Dairy Queen” exec, and the visionary founder of “Boston Chicken.”
All the pieces were in place for a Cinderella story…
And a 70% return later, our subscribers got the happy ending we hoped for.
Turning your $58,600.10 into $99,620.17!
Only 6 trades in, and you’re just fingertips from earning six-figures from your investments…
Our next pick will get you there and then some…
The water-tight fundamentals of WLOL, an East Asian shipping company, were impossible for us to ignore…
So we dive right in with 99 grand in hand.
The result?
A 117% return in only 8 pulse-pounding days.
Now, you’re firmly into “new home” territory, because…
Your $99,620.17 just became $216,244.08!
Two more trades to go, and you’ll want to hang tight because…
We’re going to parlay this huge chunk of cash into shares of SIAF…
A Chinese bio-tech spearheading new farming technology.
Not the sexiest stock in the world, that’s for sure…
But why would that matter when it’s handing you a 133.3% return in the middle of a job-killing recession?
A return that just turned your $216,244.08 into $504,569.10!
Needless to say… life’s looking pretty sunny about now. You almost need to pinch yourself to see if you’re dreaming.
Now your days are spent doing “whatever” you want… “whenever” you want to do it.
Better yet, you’re able to provide for your loved ones in the way you’ve always wanted to.
But we still haven’t reached the top of this mountain of money.
GTRL is a company out of Torrance, California, and the brains behind a new “ultra-efficient” hybrid fuel cell system.
When our subscribers learned their “untold story”… the timing couldn’t have been better…
But before I share what happens next…

The big banks - who rule the markets with an iron fist - have zero control over the price of small-cap stocks.
Even if one catches their eye… their big order would skyrocket the share price… stealing their potential gains.
So as far as they’re concerned, stocks priced this cheaply don’t even exist.
And while investment banks lay off staff by the dozen…

They can’t even track the big “blue-chip” stocks as closely as they’d like to.
One Hedge Fund manager recently admitted his analysts “can really only track 35 stocks at a time!”
And since the CNBC’s of the world follow the big banks around like lovesick puppies…
…no TV show will get you closer to knowing the ticker symbol of the next “lottery ticket” stock about to make early movers rich.
But that’s why Frank and I decided to pool our talents and our resources, and work as one.
It’s only getting harder for regular investors to grow their money.
To make headway you need an unfair advantage at work for you.
A thumb on the scale in your favor.
And that’s exactly what we feel we’re giving you by forging this unrivaled coalition.
Week after week we combine our knowledge and expertise to bring you the “first and final word” in penny stock research and recommendations.
We scour the small-cap minefield to bring you the next Hewlett-Packard… Fed-Ex… Burger King or Hyatt Hotels.
Companies who were all founded in deep “never-ending” recessions like the one we’re in now.
And we pass along our exclusive “Investing Intel” to you in simple common-sense English.
No jargon… no complicated investing “theory” to understand.
After our stock makes it through our exhaustive analysis… we bring it to you with a clear and compelling case for why you should invest with confidence.
We’ve even put together an easy-to-follow “Quickstart Guide” that’s yours to download with our compliments as soon as you enroll below.
So when you get our next pick—which could be only days, or even just hours away—you’ll know exactly what to do when you get it.
Let’s head back to our timeline and wrap up our unfinished business...
As you recall… you just put $504,569.10 of profit into GTRL.
Four days later, this future tech giant soared 111.76%...
Making you a certified member of the investing millionaire club.
Because that investment just became a windfall of $1,068,499.15!
Even after we take out eighty bucks to cover all your trading fees…
Even after you take your whole family to Hawaii for a month-long vacation…
You’re still left with a seven-figure bank balance!
As I made clear before…
I’ve walked you through this trading timeline to demonstrate the investing firepower of our stock picks.
Although this is clearly just a “hypothetical” scenario... keep in mind that it is based on actual picks, made by Frank and myself, in chronological order.
I should tell you that our first thought was to ask only $97 a month to maintain a subscription to our “dream team” picks…
If you don’t see the value that represents you may have been distracted as I rattled off one documented triple-digit return after another.
At $97/month, one single winning trade could cover your monthly subscription for not just months, but for the rest of your life.
But with the economy the way it is, the last thing we want is for you to hesitate in taking advantage of our “teaming up” because of price concerns.
We’re in the business of erasing money worries… not creating them.

We’re looking to amass the biggest and most loyal subscriber base in stock picking history…
So here’s what we’ve decided to do to make that happen.
In exchange for us handing you our picks on a silver platter week-after-week, all we’re asking in return is for your first monthly payment of $97…
Then, to make it even easier for you to join us today, we want to give you… not only the rest of the coming year “on the house”… but every year after that too!
That’s right…
A single one-time payment of $97… and you get all our picks this year… next year… and every year thereafter.
Heck, that’s a lousy quarter per day for the next 12 months…

And if that’s not generous enough… I’m also pleased to tell you that you can join us with absolutely no risk to you…
We want you to try out our service before you make your final choice as to whether we’re the only guys who can change your financial destiny forever.
So we’re giving you a full 2 months to do exactly that.
There’s no risk to you during these 60 days, because if you’d prefer, you can paper trade our picks for as long as you like.
“Paper Trading” simply means, until you see what you’re missing out on, you can track the prices of our picks risk-free, without investing any real money.
However, you’ve seen how our picks can spike in price in a matter of hours and days…
So you may not want to paper trade for long.
It’s tough watching your pennies collect dust, as everyone else’s turn into hundred dollar bills!
That said, you must remain over the moon about your decision to join us…
...or a simple email anytime in the next 60 days will return you your tiny one-time investment, no questions asked.
Frank and I are ready to help you become a smarter, wiser, more knowledgeable investor.
You get this unfair advantage through our prized penny picks, as you decide where to put your money to see the kind of blockbuster returns you deserve.
You know those returns aren’t in “blue chip” stocks that had their day in the sun long ago.
You know unless you can commit the time to master the complexities of Forex, options, or day trading, the returns won’t be there.
And you also know what you’ve seen today, throughout this entire letter.

Naturally… if you’re content to get your “stock tips” from taxi drivers, neighbors or friends at the office… that’s up to you.
It’s your money and it’s your future to shape how you want.
Just don’t blame us when you’re still struggling to stay afloat years from now… haunted by dreams of what might have been if you’d just joined us today 100% risk-free.
These days…

We have close to 3% inflation in the United States…
Meaning… your cash is being robbed of 3% of its value every year.
But compare losing 3% of your money each year to the laundry list of documented returns you’ve seen today.
You missed out on those plays. But you don’t have to miss out any longer.
We’re putting the final touches on some major picks right now.
When we serve them up, you can be there to receive them…
…but only if you choose to test-drive this ultimate investment experience starting right now.
Imagine never being plagued by what “coulda’ been” ever again...
Imagine you being the one with the inside track for once…
The person who finally has the scales tipped in your favor, time and time again.
I hope we’ve given you every reason to get on board without delay.
So go ahead.
Our next picks will be unleashed very soon.
Join our “dream team” now by clicking the button below.
Click Here!